Payment one of the most widely used the internet is Alertpay. Internet users can make purchases of goods, original software licenses, membership sites, business affairs, send and receive donations donations, and so on using alertpay. Online payment tool is very safe. If you already understand the outline of alertpay, I will explain how to register unuk there. The steps as follows:
1. Click
2. In the choose country, choose your country
3. There are three choices of starter personal, premier and business
· Personal Starter, each transaction is not subject to fees, but limited transactions and $ 400 monthly $ 2000 per year
· Premier, per transaction charge, but the transaction is not limited.
· Business, especially for your online business owner (merchant), for example you sell something online.
My advice choose Personal Pro/Premier and Business, though charged, but a small cost, and even then if there is a transaction if no transaction does not pay anything, personal pro very good for the future.
4. If you choose personal pro / premiere, then click the CREATE ACCOUNT available below.
then fill the following data:
First Name : Your first name such as Rasti.
Last Name : Your last name such as Suherman.
Phone : Hp number or your phone
Address 1 : Your residential address
Address 2 : Just empty
City/Town : City where you live
Country : State where you live example: Indonesia
Region : Province where you live
Postal Code : Your postcode
Then click "next"
Then fill again your data.
E-mail Address: enter your email
Password: password here have combined letters and numbers at least 6 characters. For example: rastibisnis44
Re-enter password: re-enter the password you created above was
Question 1: choose the questions you like
Answer 1: The answer to the question above
Question 2: select another question
Answer 2: the answer
Then enter the code in accordance with the written and click the little box marked "I Agree To Alertpays"
Then click "Register"
5. After that open your email, look at the emails sent by alertpay, there is a link to the activation and validation, just click the link, then comes the alertpay site. Fill in your password and click login
6. Content again after that transaction data pin
Create Transaction PIN: enter all the numbers at least 4 characters and maximum 8 characters. For example: 012,345
Re Tansaction enter PIN: repeat insert a number that had been you enter above
7. after you perform the steps above, then you are already registered with alertpay alertpay and can use immediately.
Alertpay verification
Become a verified user in AlertPay is not mandatory, especially for small-scale transactions. Different verification process with PayPal must have a credit card / debit card visa logo. You simply send scanned ID card / Driving License / Passport and scanned invoice / bank statement (must be above your name and address of the same bill at the address you register). It's a bit complicated but not a non-issue for a credit card. After you send (upload) the data, wait 1-2 days to live, then you've become a verified member. Easy right ..?
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